Who Is The NextName In College Gymnastics Contest

Are you the NextName in Women’s Gymnastics? Prove it by selling the most digital collectibles!

We create your custom collectible, will curate custom marketing content and will work with you to market it to your fans, friends, family, etc.

The five (5) players who sell the most collectibles by Saturday, April 15th, 2023 will win a percentage of the total prize pot! The pot will consist of 10% of total individual collectible sales and 70% of championship collectible sales.

All players regardless if they finish in the top five or not, will receive 70% of net sales of all individual collectibles they sell during the contest!

What we need from you:

  1. Permission to use your name, image and likeness to create your collectible by filling out the entry form below
    • Official onboarding will be completed with an athlete contract that contains detailed information
  2. An approved photo and optional 10-15 second video that you have the rights to use for your collectible design
    • If at all possible please provide photo/video without school logos
    • If providing a video please film in landscape mode of you doing something cool on the gymnastics floor, giving a fun fact about yourself, etc.
  3. Promotion of your collectible utilizing marketing material created by NextName

The five (5) winners who sell the most collectibles will receive a percentage of the prize pot, percentages will be as follows:

  • 1st place = 50% of total prize pot
  • 2nd place = 20% of total prize pot
  • 3rd place = 15% of total prize pot
  • 4th place = 10% of total prize pot
  • 5th place = 5% of total prize pot

Please fill out the entry form below in order to be considered for the contest:

We reserve the right to cap the number of entries so the sooner you apply the better! There will also be a selection process for entry, not all that apply will be guaranteed a spot in the contest. You will be notified shortly after you submit your entry via phone or email if you are selected to enter the contest. Good luck!

[section video_mp4=”https://beta.nextname.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Bg-transcode.mp4″ video_webm=”https://beta.nextname.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Bg-transcode.webm”]


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Athlete Sign-Up

Sign-up to sell your own personal tokens on the NextName platform.

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NFT Agreement*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



