Paxton Warden


Played on one of the most dominant teams in state history, Glenbard West, which finished 37-1 and won the 2022 IHSA Class 4A championship for the school’s first-ever state title • Led all scorers with 21 points (8-10 FG) in the high school state championship game

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Paxton Warden

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Paxton’s Details

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Height  6’4″
Weight  180 lbs.
Number  22
Position  Guard
Athletic Year  Junior
Birthday  6/1/2004
Hometown  Glen Ellyn, IL


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Paxton Warden


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Height  6’4″
Weight  180 lbs.
Number  22
Position   Guard
Athletic Year  Freshman
Birthday 6/1/2004
Hometown   Glen Ellyn, IL


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